"How To Use Solvent Reformulation Tool"
Normalize Volume / Weight
Retain Volume / Weight
Simulation Evaporation Profile
Escape Coefficient by Type
Reformulation Summary
Edit Blends
Download To Spreadsheet
Download To Spreadsheet
The Eastman Solvent Reformulation is an interactive tool to assist in making a solvent
reformulation calculation to EASTMAN.
Solvent Selection:
- Select an option from the Solvent Group drop down.
- Select one or more solvents from the Solvent Selection list box.
- Click on "Add Selected Solvent(s)" for adding the selected solvent
to the table.
- Click on "Add Unlisted Solvent" to add a solvent not available in
the list.
- Click on the "Clear All Solvents" for clearing all the selected solvents from the
- Specific solvent from the table can be deleted by clicking on the corresponding
delete button.
- Enter values in the Weight % or Volume % and Cents Per Pound for all the selected
- Click on the "View Solvent Blend Profile" button to navigate to the datasheet screen.
- A maximum of 20 solvents can be selected.
Add New Solvent Screen:
- Enter all the data and click on the button "Add Solvent" to
add the unlisted solvent to the table.
- To return back to the solvent selection without adding the unlisted solvent click
on the button "Cancel".
DataSheet Screen:
- The normalized datasheet is the default datasheet displayed.
- The Retain datasheet is obtained by clicking the button "Retain Volume / Weight".
- Click on the link "Simulated Evaporation Profile" to open the Simulated Evaporation
data and Simulated Evaporation profile screen in a new window.
- Click on the link "Escape Coefficient by Type" to open the "Evaporation data screen"
in a new window.
- The summary report of all the iteration could be obtained by clicking on the link
"Reformulation Summary".
- Clicking on the "Next Solvent Blend" link can start the next iteration.
- The datasheet data could be downloaded to spreadsheet format by clicking "Download
To Spreadsheet".
- The printer friendly version of the displayed data is obtained by clicking on the
link " Printer friendly Report".
- Click on the "Return To selection screen" to navigate to the solvent selection screen
for the current iteration.
Reformulation Summary:
- The summary data could be downloaded to spreadsheet format by clicking "Download
To Spreadsheet".
- The printer friendly version of the displayed data is obtained by clicking on the
link " Printer Friendly Report".